Simple ten seconds questions!!

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Why and what, are you breathing for? What is the purpose of your lungs? What is it? What is the reason behind your existence? I mean surely your not the first human being, the first one to reach you age, the only one in your gander, the only one wit that skin tone! But what is it? What is the reason? Why are you born at the first place?

Well sure God, created you for a purpose, you not a product of chance, you were not due to a mistake, the was motive, reason, purpose and vision and what is it? Why are you born in the family that you are in? Why did you go through that upbringing? Why was your childhood like that? What is the reason?
The sun was placed there for a reason, the rotation of the earth around it was created for a reason, the clouds were given purpose, birds have a role to play as much as air has a role to fulfill in creation!

The moon has been designed wit motive and intent! And unlike creation, creation just fall in place in purpose, creation excluding us the “apex” and “prime” of creation! I believe that every created thing was made for us, like a cast in a movie set, and we are the main character, however do we know how our role? Do we really know why we are main characters?

Have you found a reason for breathing yet?

Have you found a reason for breathing yet?

20Year Old Missionary

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